All That Jazz.

Reading, writing, cooking, living, and maybe some other random explorations.

Recently, I wanted to write a short story with a limited word budget set in a specific environment. I didn't know how many characters to consider, how many scenes to include, or, worst of all, how many plot points I needed to have a compelling story.

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To write, to program

It doesn't make sense. It sounds foolish to think they're similar. You write beautifully crafted prose to steer emotions in human beings, and you call it literature. Then, you write carefully built code to serve users efficiently and reliably and call it a program. How can writing be compared to the rigid way of creating a black box to output some functionalities?

TIL: Navel-gazing, the term

The term was new to me. So I gave my undivided attention to hearing what Sanderson responded to it. It turns out this concept has been familiar to me all along. I simply didn’t know one’s gaze into their navels could be the term for it.